Monday, September 1, 2014

Creating 2013 Photoshop Text Effects

FINAL OUTPUT: Creating 2013 Photoshop Text Effects

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


Create a new document in your Photoshop (Ctrl + N), with the custom width of 1600px, height is 1200px and for the Resolution I use 250px/inch, so the quality of our tutorial is superb. (Note: The higher the resolution the better the quality.)

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

Create a new layer with the name bg_layer, using your Paint Bucket Tool (G) fill up the bg_layer with the color black.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


Apply Gradient Overlay in our bg_layer, Right click the bg_layer and Select the Blending Option.

Gradient Overlay Settings:
  • Blend Mode: Normal
  • Opacity: 65%
  • Style: Linear
How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

For Gradient, we apply the color black (#000000) starting from the left side, and for the right apply #45494d color.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


Alright, background is done, open up your Horizontal Type Tool and for this tutorial I used the Vongole font type you can download it here vongole font from Each of this numeric numbers contain in different layers because we will edit each of this number individually later.  See the image below.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


This is the exciting part of our tutorial; we will arrange this number so it will show differently. We will work first for the number 2. So open up your rectangular tool (U) then extend the bottom line of the number two. See the image below.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


For the number 0 layer, move it behind the number 2 layer using the Move Tool (V), like what you see in the image below.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


Now move the number one layer up, and used rectangular tool (U) to extend the number one layer to make it tall. See the image for reference.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


And the last layer, the number 3 layer move it below the number one layer and connect it at the bottom part of number one layer. Select the number 1 and number 3 layers and hit the Ctrl+ E to merge the two of them, see the image below.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

You will notice that some of the lines are overlapping with each other, to fix this we need to erase the parts that are overlapping. Used your Eraser Tool (E).  The final image will look like the image below.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


In this step, we will create now the clock inside the number zero. Get your Ellipse Tool (U) and create a small circle and place it like what you see in the clock. See the image for the reference.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

For the hand of our clock, I used Pen Tool (P) to create two handle, one is long and the other one is a bit shorter fill it with the color white (#FFFFFF). And place it in the middle of the clock.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


Yey, we are almost done! In this step we will now start to give life to our design. Right click the number 2 layer and click the blending option and click the gradient Overlay.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

The settings for Gradient Color are the ff. starting from the left side #82bcea in the middle part is color #1f7bca and in the right side color is #3c669c.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

After applying the gradient overlay in the number 2 layer, you should have like this output. Now you can apply it to the other layers.

You can copy the layer style by right clicking the layer with a style that you want to copy and select the “Copy Layer Style”. To paste it to another layer right click the layer you want to apply the style and select the “Paste Layer Style”.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

After you apply it here you go your latest output. It’s a bit plain right? I think we should add some Shadow to add some depth.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

I will just add Drop Shadow in the number zero layer. Here are the settings for Drop Shadow.
  • Blend Mode: Multiply
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Angle: 120
  • Distance: 0px
  • Spread: 0px
  • Size: 27px

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

Our final 2013 image Color with Drop Shadow applied.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

Now we will continue the coloring part, Select your clock hour hand and apply a gradient overlay by right clicking it and selecting the blending options. Click the gradient overlay and the color I choose is #ff0084. See the settings below.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

Final Image, if you follow the step you should come up with the output below.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign


We are almost done. Now we will just setup the background design of our 2013 text effect to add some stars and amazing sparkles.  The brushes that I will used is Sparklies Photoshop Brushes from

If you downloaded it already, select you’re Brush (B) and load the brush that you downloaded and select the first brush see the image below.

Create a new layer and name it background spark lines layer. After loading the brushes pick up a color and apply it like what you see in the image below. I choose different colors and repeating it many times.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

After repeating it and applying the brushes this is the outcome, my current image right now.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign
To add some effects in our background, duplicate the spark lines layer and we will add Motion Blur Filter.

To add Motion Blur, go to Menu Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur. See the image below for my configuration. You can change it depends on your preferences.

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign
After applying the motion blur filter our image will look like this, if you want to add some sparks and stars you may do so. So we are done. YEY!

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign

FINAL OUTPUT: Creating 2013 Text Effects in Photoshop

How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign How To Create 2013 Text Effects In Photoshop By IAPDesign



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